Cuinn's Compendium

I am a child of Earth and Starry Sky


Hey you there, do me a favour.

Imagine You are designing a game for a large company with a tight deadline. You are crafting a military experience, and the player must take the role of a soldier in conflict. Where do you put your focus?

On articulate and precise physics, rotatable items, with small intricate details? On complex and engaging bomb-planting and defusing gameplay? Or on weapon feel, sound and animations, on making the one thing you do all the time feel as good to do as you possibly can. Its not stroke of genius to mention that, of course, FPS devs focus on making the first-person shooter part as good as it can be. And a game with multiple gameplay focuses usually miss the mark on some or all.

The wow-factor of one really good system of gameplay usually outweighs multiple mediocre ones.


Howdy y'all. We testin' n' stuff.

Did you get this if you subscribed? Good.

Did you get this if you didn't subscribe? Not good.

Anyways. Have fun, drink water. -Ventus


Today I've been hard at work re-themeing the blog. This includes taking and modifying the Painkiller Bullet theme written by Jesse Watson. Thank you Jesse, it looks rad as hell.


I have managed to get federation with ActivityPub working, though it still seems a little unreliable. If you are an active user of Mastodon or the like,



Not all material is created equal

Video games are a difficult media when it comes to historical preservation. Part of this is due to their relative novelty in the temporal space. Video games haven't existed for more than 80~years, and even then, at their earliest we'd barely recognized them. The written word, the most common type of historical material, has existed for millennia. Of course with changing production methods and style and technique, but remaining pretty much the same in how we access it. Avant-garde art might ask us to touch, feel, listen, but for the most part our eyes are all the tools we need to read a book.

This immutability makes these sources accessible. The only thing you really need to read a book, is the book itself, as long as you can read that particular language. This way the primary barrier to preservation is spatial. We need places to put books when we're not actively looking at them, and a place for the activity of looking. For this we have museums and archives.



I've always liked writing.

Its an act of freedom. Penning my mind down in words forms the shapeless blob of thoughts and mind-mud into coherent, even sometimes intelligent, ideas. Since the mid of 2024 C.E, I've tinkered with a funky lil' dusty computer moonlighting as a functional server. I use it to train my technical skills, and as a hobby. That server now serves another (among many) purpose. This blog.

I've always liked writing, but I never did it much.

As a kid I loved telling stories. Acting out adventures with my friends in school. We were pirates, jedi, scoundrels of every kind, and heroes too (sometimes).


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